Herwann PERRIN

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Where Compasses All Go Mad de Jorma Puranen

Un travail assez intéressant que celui de Jorma Puranen qui revient, revisite d'ancienne photographies, d'anciens lieux, d'anciennes histoires :

"Puranen has re-photographed historical photographs and other visuals related to heroic Arctic expeditions. In Where compasses all go mad Puranen combines three different interests. Namely his long term work in the Arctic, his interest in the archive and the use of reflecting light as a metaphor for speaking of history and memory.
Puranen uses flashing reflections of daylight on surface of printed images blurring them sometimes completely unidentifiable and always difficult to look at. This blurring of images emphasizes the impossibility to consider history as objective truth, rather suggesting a fictive historical world. "

Le résultat est assez beau, poétique également, notamment en ce qui concerne les paysages qui se prête ma foi assez bien à cet exercice, à cette composition.

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